Just #Breathe…
Fill the sails
You almost let discouragement deflate.
Your ship can’t sail
These rough seas, or
Dodge the many evil creatures of the deep
Without the ever elusive…
The ever present…
Just breathe,
The #poetry back into #life
The meaning back into the #moment
The awe and wonder back into those #eyes which used to sparkle with unbridled amazement and #joy.
Breathe… And witness the party at heavens gate; materialization of the the Holy Grail; Eradication of the disease, fear; the bounty of well a deserved harvest reaped; the feeling of a warm, inclusive, loving presence.
Breathe into you and find the perfect wife, find what’s #golden, find the heavenly center where you mustn’t compromise to feel at #peace in the engagement without pretentious ploy.
Breathe into the #oneness you’ve been chasing. Into the connection you’ve been missing, into the memories forgotten, now reclaimed. Breathe into the #now. Breathe into #love. Breathe into #gratitude, breathe consciousness into your breathe.
Just breathe.
#FreeWriteChallenge #Day6
#healing #poem
Just Breathe Poetry