Dear Friends,
I fare thee well.
I can no longer stay here.
I can no longer be,
The man you expect,
No longer pay homage
To anriquated social norms.
I must set out..
Far from here.
I must set sail..
The winds of change are blowing.
I must pull anchor..
For if I wait,
My chance for adventure is forfeit
I yearn to see,
Lands unknown
And cultures undiscovered,
Hear indecipherable tounges
That sound so sweet.
I refuse to let the cliche of curiosity
Stop me in my tracks
A life without intrigue
Lacks, anything of substance
And Ive learned long ago
To power through obstructions
Rarely read instructions
I, don’t like being told what to do.
Screw plans, im going
Ill figure out on the way
Kiss mom and say
“Itll be okay.”
The hardest part of any journey
Is stepping out the front door.
Satisfaction was more
Foreign to me than my destination.
Acceptance the cure
Stayed infinitely grateful.
Every moment of the journey
A jewel in and of itself…
When I return with a treasure chest in tow,
And a smile on my face
I’ll glad share the booty..
But for now I must go…
The winds of change are blowing. –#Kanstant #growth #tbt #poem
Dear Friends Poetry