This is a screenshot of the U.S. Federal Code for racketeering, affectionately known as RICO. You want to know the definition of the cards beings stacked against us, then feast your eyes on this beauty. Monied interests actually got Congress to pass a law that excludes the shady means they use to make their dough. This is an example of a trend that has happened for far too long. One group of people gains unspeakable riches by raping, murdering, and stealing and then secures the position they’ve fought for by making it illegal to take the same path to the top. Now, I am not advocating that we all go out raping, murdering, and stealing. I’m just saying it to make a point. The same law that has sent too many Black and Latino men to prison cannot be used to convict monied interest for their actions, even though these actions fit the definition….Sometimes its all just a little too much.. Much love to #Baltimore #Oakland and all the other havens for Freedom Fighters!