Project Back to Africa
San Francisco State University Black Student Union and OMI Community Members trip to Africa for humanitarian volunteering and exploration.
Initial Proposal
Executive Summary
The San Francisco State University Black Student Union the Dream Team and I.T. Bookman Community Center are planning a 2 week tour of one of the following countries: Ghana, Tanzania, or Senegal. We will have voted on a set location on November 29th. Through this experience we will connect with locals to learn more about these nations and bring truth to popular misconceptions about Africa.
We will organize a variety of task groups in order to carry out planning of the tour as successfully as possible, and carry out a variety of book club sessions, collective fundraising events, Think Tank sessions, and academic lectures.
As African American students, professors and community members, a group of people who are genetically tied to the continent of Africa, we feel it is a necessary component in our lives to experience our ancestral motherland. Through various forms of documentary, we aim to capture and better understand present day Africa and its rich cultures.
The trip will last 2 weeks from mid July 2014 to august 2014.
Who Will Be Going?
A group of 20-35 African Americans: 10-20 BSU students 10-15 OMI Community Members (could be more as long as each individual contributes to collective and singular fundraising
Mission and Goals of Trip
To connect with locals and identify similarities and differences between various countries, through listening to stories, connecting with children by giving them stuffed animals, gifts, shoes, clothing, and recording experience thoroughly through photographs, ethnography, videos, journals and other forms of documentation.
Learning about various school systems in Africa such as the content that they are learning and resources schools may need that they do not have access to.
Various humanitarian efforts.
Pre-Educational Task Groups
We are currently assembling a task group of select members that will officiate and coordinate a series of pre-educational seminars and trainings that will prepare all members of the group for the experience of going to Africa, as well as contributing their share to studying the various countries in-depth in order to bring truth to popular perception.
In order to best choose candidates who will do these things successfully, there will be guidelines that each member must follow in order to take part in this experience. These guidelines are:
- Each member must attend 75% of the Think Tank meetings, fundraising events, and the pre-educational seminars in order to assure preparedness to make the experience as successful as possible.
- Each member must contribute a one-paged letter explaining why the member would like to take part in the expedition and why the experience would be beneficial for the member and their community.
- Each member must present a three minute oral presentation on two of the countries that they will be visiting.
- Each member must contribute to collective fundraising events by April 15, 2014.
- Each member must contribute to team proposals and lectures, and speak at two events.
- Each member must attend at least seven book sessions from December 2013 to June 2014.
- Each member must be a member of a task group and must attend Task Group meetings.
Pre-planning Schedule:
- November: Proposal of event at B.S.U. Black Family Dinner.
Fundraising seminar, planning and scheduling
2 – 3 fundraising events
- December: Further proposals
2 – 3 fundraising events
Book sessions
Think Tank sessions
- January: Proposals to professors
2 – 3 fundraising events
Book sessions
Think Tank sessions
- February: Further proposals
2 – 3 fundraising events
Connecting with potential West African destination delegates.
Think Tank sessions
- March: 5 or more fundraising events.
Academic lectures on project.
Book sessions
Think Tank sessions
- April: Deadline for funding.
Academic lectures on project
Book sessions
Think Tank sessions
- May: Finalization of reservations
Further lectures
Book sessions
Think Tank sessions
Book sessions
Wrap-up conference and celebration
Participant contribution:
WE are going to Africa in the summer of 2014. As African Americans we feel it is necessecary for us to experience our ancestrial homeland. If you are interested in joining us keep reading and fill out the form.
In order to take part in this experience, you must commit to the following: Everyone going will be heavily involved in the preparation process; it’s the Group Effort that will make our trip possible!! Each person going will be responsible for:
contributing to our collective fundraising,
* Be apart of one of 5 task groups and be in communication weekly
—————– OR————————————
Pay $4,000
Come to 30% of preeducation events and fundraising events
Task groups:
Trip Planning: Trip planning task group will coordinate everything needed in our trip, this task group is also responsible for letting everyone know of the decisios being made and weekly updates on fb and email list.
Fundraising: Fundraising task group handles all of the finances, including setting up group bank account, donation links, setting up fund matching programs, accounting, setting up events and fundraising opportunities
Marketing Proposal: Marketing and proposal task group is responsible for getting the proposal and the message of our trip out to the public. Includes facebook and other forms of social media, setting up interviews and meetubgs
Pre-Education: This task group is responsible for guiding our entire group through a series of pre-education seminars and trainings that will prepare us for our experience in africa. This includes hosting 15-20 book and think tank meetings over from now until June
* Everyone who has intentions on going to Africa must come to at least 75% of our Think Tank meetings, fundraising events and pre-education sessions.
Trip Planning Task Group:
Trip planning task group will coordinate everything needed in our trip, this task group is also responsible for letting everyone know of the decisios being made and weekly updates on fb and email list.
Where to start:
Commentary on Dance and Change ( KPFA Full Circle)