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Sundays @ 1pm, 89.3 KPFB

Author: Junior

Belief Poetry

Belief Poetry

Galaxies spin in your bodies’ ether. Worlds collide Factions war And new life’s born daily. The power of the multiverse Resides in your being. Weild it wisely Respect it Nurture it, And above all, Beleive in it. We’re lovingly and patiently waiting.

Rise Up

Rise Up

Dissonant dissidents must be tossed to the #lions,
The roar of our voices too much to bear.
Been stripped bare long before birth,
Yet we continue to rise.
Send your jackals, your vultures, your scavengers.
Send your feds, your alphabet boys, your secret thought police.
Shoot your bullets, your tear gas,
Drop your bombs
Rape our land.
and will still be,
Assuming our thrown.
The time is now!
The next moment, too late.
The time is now, make haste.
Be the being you always wanted to be today.
The time is now!
Rise up #angels,
#Beings of #light
Meek, humbled masses.
Rise up!
The time is now for the taking!
Now is the time to reap the rewards of your labor,
Of your #ancestor’s labor…
Your ancestral wisdom is off the Charts!
Tap into the spark within.
Burn bright after integrating your shadow in the void.
The inner voice you trust is the inner voice you follow,
Obstacles are meant to be overcome.
We rise up!
No matter what
We Rise up!
No Matter what!
Watch Us Rise.
See the spectacle of beings spreading their #wings for the first time.
Witness the #joy flight brings to the human spirit.
#Prayers for that longed for #freedom have been answered.
Rise Up With Us!
We All ‘Gon Make it.
If we must take you by the hand,
then we must.
But you must ask,
You must seek,
You must take the oath to become the best version of yourself.
Every moment, be better than the previous,
#Spiral upward with us.

Brittle Chips Labels

Brittle Chips Labels

I helped create these for my sister’s business

Past Shows Uploaded to Soundcloud

I finally uploaded a few of the shows from the past year onto soundcloud. More to come!

Chronicling My Rise to Consciousness

“Don’t lose that fire!”

Chronicling My Rise to Consciousness.

An event cause the initial awakening… seeing, for myself, people that I thought were friends be indifferent to my insistence that something was racially insensitive was almost too much to bear. It was at that point, after being slapped hard in the face by racism, that I was “ready” to hear about the Black plight. Prior to this point, I was okay with being an individual and was not concerned with being a Black person really. I was a person trying to fit into society, concentrating on working hard, taking care of my family and trying to get ahead. I was all about being multi-cultural, and I tried to teach my kids how to deal with the rest of the world.

Once I was “ready” to really listen about the Black plight I was given a life changing book: “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander. This book really brought home what was going on in my community. I began to make connections that I previously wrote off as unrelated, conincidental events. The fact that our neighborhood was now pretty empty of the guys that used to hang out ( the drug war) . The whole disappearance of eligible black bachelors (not only going to white women)! I started to learn about our history, the REAL history! Not just Martin Luther King or that Lincoln freed the slaves (which he actually did not). I became “conscious”.

I became obsessed with learning what really happened in the past. And it became important to connect with other like-minded people. I began listening to lectures by Dr. Joy DeGruy & Dr. Chris Welsing. I knew right away that there was an urgent need to get this information out there. Raising money and spreading consciousness in the community seemed like the best answer.

I wanted to hear everyone’s opinion, listen to the experts and learn as much as I could. I continued to search the internet and YouTube constantly looking for someone with answers. So far I’ve found two individuals who have ideas for solutions that make sense. Dr. Umar Johnson and Dr. Claude Anderson didn’t preach hate and didn’t seem political. After listening to the two of them, I began to think of how I could help my community by (1.) Shopping and dining in Black owned businesses. (2.) Try to help develop Black businesses and start my own business. (3.) Start/help a group with the same goals. (4.) Try to organize people to make political change.

Finally, I began to listen to news radio and Black radio shows. Non-profit radios seem to offer a less biased news report. My new “conscious” eyes could see what was really happening around me. Current politics took on a whole new meaning. There is no indication that things will get better for Black people, I have reached a new level of commitment. I believe it truly is a silent war and we must be ready.

Repost From IndyBay: Tech Commute Shut Down at MacArthur BART!

As May 1st drew closer, the mainstream media got wind of the event and began running articles on the internet. Just before the blockade was to take place, a friendly Google employee informed us that Google had canceled its buses for May 1st, but that one particular bus would still run that day.

Re(e)volution- The Eradication Of Affluenza – Jada Imani X MerKAH The Vygilant X TuT This Track has been in the making for sometime now, just like the protests that some people think came from no where. Now is the time people of African Descent are taking back what is rightfully ours, this song tries to capture my thoughts […]

Anti Police Terror Project #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror


 PLEASE SHARE!#LaborAgainstPoliceTerror #ShutItDown

The Anti Police Terror Project is one of the major visible organizations working to transform Oakland into Black Star of the West. Their work is allowing Oakland resident to shine the city’s loving rays onto the rest of this fair Planet.

Oakland has seen her fair share of Police Terror. Most recently Yuvette Henderson, a mother of two, was gunned down with military style weapons after the police were called at a Home Depot around the corner. APTP is making all connections, being very clear in their message that Police Terror and Economic Violence are two sides of the same coin. They are both use as tools of oppression to keep us in our collective places. Thanks to the ILWU, the Oakland Port ( one of the busiest in the nation) will be closed during May Day. Supporters will be streaming into the Port to express their support. If you are in the Bay Area, I suggest stopping by. APTP has been conscious of making these marches Family Affairs. I frequently see baby strollers, and sometimes the children even lead the march’s chants.

May Day’s #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror March will be an amazing experience. I look forward to seeing all the shining stars there. You can find the event page here.

*edited: Here are some more memes that were released today. Please share #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror #JusticeForLupe #JusticeForYuvette !

ILWU Mandela Quote Meme 4

Oscar Grant - Mayday Meme Final

Police Brutality Meme 2


ILWU 1962 Apartheid Meme 3





For those, unaware, APTP was one of the main organizers behind the #ReclaimMLKDAY. Here’s an excerpt from that day’s press release, illustrating the reasons for what they are doing:

Monday, we will connect the dots between police violence and economic violence with a march

at 11 am from Fruitvale Station, where Oscar Grant III was murdered by BART police, in

solidarity with Ferguson, New York, Cleveland, Sanford, Salt Lake City, and countless others

who too have lost young Black men to police terror. We know well the grief that comes when

brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, mothers and fathers are gunned down by those who are

supposed to “protect and serve.” We march to reclaim King’s legacy and demand an immediate

end to the war being waged on Black people in America.

“Actually, we who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We

merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive. We bring it out in the

open, where it can be seen and dealt with.” – (1963) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Our march concludes at the Coliseum City project in East Oakland, where half of Oakland’s

Black population has already been displaced, as the city seeks to continue the trend of

economic violence that has plagued this part of Oakland for decades. What began as redlining,

and continued through a lack of outside investment and predatory lending ultimately has

decimated our neighborhoods. This project’s projected outcome does little to serve the

immediate communities of color and does much to serve football fans and entertainment

seekers. We march to demand an end to economic violence, police violence, educational

violence and psychological violence that is perpetrated without consequence in our


The same things affecting Baltimore affect Oakland. When we hit the streets here in Oakland, we stand in solidarity with all the oppressed people in the United States and abroad. Fergusson and Baltimore will be on our minds, but so many people of color have dealt with grief similar to the grief felt by these communities.

Now is the time to shape and mold history. Now is the time to take back what is rightfully ours. Class and Race are so intimately connected that 9 times our of 10 they are synonymous. And now is the time to put them to rest. Change is in the air, and its intoxicating properties are taking our country by storm. The 1%, the oppressors, …they can smell it, and it makes them sick. They know change means that their undeserved way of life will have to change.

Its funny how we have freedom of speech and freedom of assembly until it makes these people nervous. If these freedoms can be taken away, then did we really have them in the first place? Do we really have freedom if we must fear that the police will beat us over the head for our expression? If the Supreme Court believes that money is equal to speech in this country, then lets level the playing field so that certain people are outrageously freer than others.

I look forward to this #LaborAgainstPoliceTerror because we have to come out this racist-imperialist governmental-economic system at more ways than one to bring peace and equality to this Earth.

Hope to see you on the Streets,



The same law that has sent too many Black and Latino men to prison cannot be used to convict monied interest for their actions, even though these actions fit the definition….Sometimes its all just a little too much.. Much love to #Baltimore #Oakland and all the other havens for Freedom Fighters!